Monday, October 10, 2011

Breakfast is Covered for a While

I forgot to mention yesterday that we also bought a new knob for the hall bathroom to replace the blue one and to go with our more modern theme. Here it is:

We also found clear drawer pulls to go with the clear acrylic knobs we purchased for the master bathroom. I looked around online and couldn't find any clear drawer pulls for less than about $25 each. The thought of spending $75 on three little drawer pulls was rather upsetting but I had more or less resigned myself to it when I happened to spot an endcap at Lowes with their specialty knobs and pulls. This was after several trips to multiple locations of both Home Depot and Lowes trying to get the right size and amount of hinges for all the doors and cabinets. You would really think I would have noticed them before, but while frantically rushing down the hinge aisle 10 minutes before closing, I saw them. The Hallelujah Chorus played in my head when I saw that they were less than half the price of the online ones and we managed to snag them and the hinges we needed before the store closed. Yay!

I think the clear hardware will look very snazzy once we fill in the old knob holes and paint the cabinets. Those glorious drawer pulls are the first thing I see when I step into the bathroom these days. I am in love with them.

Another minor project I tackled Friday was unpacking all of our art/picture frames which we've been putting off until the house is painted. I just couldn't stand it any longer so I unpacked everything and arranged the built ins in the living room, which until Friday were pretty much books on one side and nothing on the other. Here is the finished arrangement. Alton and I both reacted by saying that it looks more like people live here now. That's always a good thing to have going on in your house!

Another thing I'm in love with besides my drawer pulls are my Jonathan Adler cat bookends. My mom bought them for me at Barnes and Noble for a housewarming gift. They are on the right above the TV.

We actually are waiting until the walls are painted before hanging up our art, which is why some of it is currently just chilling on the mantle. I painted the orange Matisse copy and the other two are originals by my friend Beth.

And in other news, the chickens have all started laying eggs now! RZR has been laying for a few weeks now and the other two caught up a few days ago.

Our egg holder is overflowing! Aren't Rickshaw's green eggs so cool??

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