Friday, February 3, 2012

Our Newest Addition

Remember a while back when we pulled up the plants and pavers that formed a jellybean shape in the corner of our front yard?

Well, we decided to plant some sort of fruit tree in the hopes of balancing that corner out with the rest of the yard, which has two Bradford Pear trees on each side, and hopefully producing some fruit as well. I really wanted a Granny Smith apple tree, but after checking online we were iffy on whether it would thrive in our climate. The choice then became either pear or peach. Peach trees get gorgeous pink blossoms reminiscent of cherry blossoms in the spring, so we went with a little peach tree. It will probably be a few years before it actually starts to produce any fruit, but hopefully it will at least grow and flower in the meantime.

Bringing home baby.

Harley has to check out the new guy.

No, we didn't fill the hole with kitty litter. Our compost is in there! This is the first project we've used it for.

Harley supervises Alton as he puts in a layer of compost.

All done!

It's already taller than me! Not that that's saying much...

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