Tuesday, March 1, 2011

$20 for three rooms worth of hardware!

Last week, Hobby Lobby had their decorative hardware on sale 50% off, so we decided to go check it out. We ended up going home with nine knobs for $20.66. That's all six knobs for the living room built-ins, one knob for the hall bathroom, and two knobs for the master bathroom. We plan to get drawer pulls for the three drawers in the master bath, but they didn't have any at Hobby Lobby, so we will probably order those online.

The first knob is a pretty shade of blue. We had no idea what we were going for in the hall bathroom until we saw this knob. We both really liked the color, so our hall bathroom is now going to be blue. :)
We plan to print and frame a couple of photos from our honeymoon to go in here. These are some of the candidates for printing:

We bought clear knobs for the master bath:

I think these will look really cool once the cabinets are painted white.

The knobs we purchased for the built-ins in the living room were a bit of a surprise to us, but once the idea was planted, we just had to do it. Hobby Lobby had lots of white ceramic knobs with black letters on them. Our last name happens to have six letters in it and we happen to have six cabinets in the living room, so we spelled our name out across the built-ins. :) So fun.

So that's how we got three rooms worth of hardware for around $20!

1 comment:

  1. Photos I like: The school of jellyfish (it is very super awesome), the first one with the boat (it looks like a print you'd buy online...hey sell it!), and the second-to-last one with the rocky beach. But the tons of jellyfish is by far my favourite. =D
