It's branches were hanging over into the space we needed to drive through and it produced baby palms like crazy, which we do not want. So we ripped it out.
It left quite a divot...
We also removed a second sago on the other side of the driveway while we were at it.
The ripping up of the palms happened last week (with assisstance from Alton's dad). Today, we focused on the flowers. Our house came with lots of nice landscaping all around. Unfortunately, the previous owners left all the weeding to be done by us. Luckily, they also left us three bags of mulch which is supposed to help suppress weeds. So this morning I spent about two hours pulling up weeds from the flower beds around the front and side of the house. According to the calorie counter app I have on my phone, gardening burns three calories a minute. I also learned that I rather like gardening. So making the house look better, doing something I enjoy, and burning lots of calories. I feel like Charlie Sheen, that's such a win! Anyway, on to the pictures.
Here is a before and after shot of one area of the garden (This was actually one of the least weedy areas):
Muuuuuch better!
Alton came outside after a while and decided to tackle the area next to our side fence. Apparently some acorns got in there somehow and sprouted baby oak trees. Alton pulled them all out except for one that was about as tall as he is - we need to get a spade and dig that sucker out.
baby oak trees:
He also vanquished the giant thistle plant that was growing over there:
All while wearing his slippers. hehe.
The yard is really starting to look good now. There are a couple of smaller flower beds that still need to be weeded. I might do that tomorrow...or as soon as I have the feeling back in my fingers. (Note to self: get gardening tools.)
We (my mom and I) drove by your place last week so she could see the house, and it looks so different (and much better)! Cleaning out the beds and getting rid of those palm trees actually made me question for a second if I was at the right house. It looks awesome =)