Sunday, July 8, 2012

Low Maintenance Landscaping

    I've discovered that as much as I really love a good garden, I'm not so great at keeping plants alive. This realization is pretty disheartening for me because I would love to be able to plant all kinds of wonderful things and have them flourish around me, but that is not going to happen - at least not until I take some sort of gardening class or something. Everything I've tried so far has failed pretty hard, so I decided to try a new approach.
    Our backyard has two flowerbeds outlined with pavers right next to the patio. This area was overgrown with grass and ferns when we moved in, so we removed those and just had empty flowerbeds until about a week ago. I knew I needed to plant something that required little to no care, especially in the backyard where I don't spend a lot of time. I saw a post on Pinterest recently about using newspaper as weed block instead of buying the annoying sheets of that stuff, so I figured I'd give that a whirl and then top it with rocks instead of dirt and mulch.
 First we sucked up the existing mulch with the Shop Vac to be used in the front landscaping later. Waste not, want not. :)
Here are the two beds with newspaper.

    In case you're wondering, the stairs were taken down because we wanted to remove one step in the hopes that it would keep the chickens off the patio for good. I'll keep you posted on how that works out for us.
    After the newspaper was put down, we placed a one foot square paver in the middle of each flower bed. This is where the planter will sit on each side. We borrowed pieces of the monstrous, never-dies-no-matter-what-they-do-to-it aloe plant that has been growing at my in-laws house forever. I really hope these don't die on me. Then I would know for sure that I've got the black thumb of death. Anyway, we put one aloe in each planter and we were done! How's that for low-maintenance?

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