We went to a local nursery called Harb's Oasis because I had a coupon and because I like that place even though it's a bit of a drive. We came home with a Jeep full of plants.
These lucky guys got to ride up front with me.
We got Coleus for the two beds around the Crepe Myrtles, and Coleus, Hostas, and Agapanthus for the big bed in front of our dining room window on the side of the house. We also picked up two kinds of basil and two kinds of mint to plant in the planters that sit on our patio railing.
These are the planters I'm talking about.
Planting the Basil.
Of course, while we were on the patio working on the planters/taking pictures, the chickens came over to see what we were doing.
First, we placed the pots where we wanted the plants to go. I couldn't really place the coleus because it came in six packs.
Harley is convinced there are squirrels in this tree whether there are or not.
We've been saving up newspapers and sales ads for a while to use as a weed blocker in the landscaping beds.
We didn't put cat litter in the flowerbed. We were just using that container for mulch.
Close up of the newspapery goodness.
Are you ready for the final results? Okay, drumroll please...ta da!
There wasn't quite enough mulch to completely cover the newspapers.
We didn't do newspaper in the smaller beds because the plants were closer together.
So there you have it. I think that's a pretty good day's work, don't you?
Update: I woke up Sunday with the backs of my thighs just KILLING ME. I realized that spending the day in the garden basically means you are doing squats all day long. Owww.
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